I am not afraid to publish my rates online.
My per-image fixed pricing and quotes for more complex retouching are based on an hourly rate of £40.00 
I have a tiered system of fixed prices based on processing complexity:
• Basic: £5.99  example: retouch out up to two small items, e.g. socket and cable:  adjust perspective and straighten vertical lines
• Standard: £11.99 : example: retouch out several items:  enhance view through windows/ correct verticals
• Premium: £24.99  : thorough image treatment with extensive retouching, e.g. parked vehicle removal/ scaffold removal
The simplest thing is to get in touch>>> to discuss your requirements without obligation. I can then give you a precise figure to assist with your budget. 

VAT (UK sales tax) is NOT applicable to the above figures.
Prices are subject to revision without notice.
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