Allow me to take care of your retouching requirements!
I offer a fully in-house and reasonably priced, retouching service with generally quick turnaround. Architectural photography shoots, being location-based and often featuring exteriors which may include public land, can often run up against uncontrollable variables which can really hamper the presentation of important projects. Some are more subtle than others. But ANYTHING which compromises your project statement I feel should be addressed.
Please take a look at some of the typical issues I can tackle below.
Please hover over images for more information or click for larger versions.
Please hover over images for more information or click for larger versions.

There was just no way to avoid the streetlamp in this hero shot....

Thankfully an unobscured result was possible.

Sometimes you can't move cars... or cables....

... job done!

When reviewing the images the orange chairs appeared too attention-grabbing...

... a simpler, stronger statement suited the intended usage.

Close shooting position causing foreshortening.....

....remapping perspective with for a more natural viewing experience.

And again....

you don't have to get stuck with these things!

Deadline approaching?

Get rid of that scaffold!

Green algae on a tiled roof:

...gone! But note you can't do this for sales listings!

The marble-top table at left was too scary to move!

... not a problem for this critical view.

Scaffold was still in place on the last sunny day of the autumn...

...thankfully this wasn't an obstacle.

Client supplied image of a ski-ing chalet: pointing the camera upwards leads to converging verticals...

... which can be corrected to make the subject more imposing. The texture in the woodwork was also optimised, and the blue sky adjusted. Image © Hilary White

Shot in the UK in mid-November....

... skies can be blued up, building warmth and textures enhanced - within the bounds of believability!

The client needed images to show investors before the works were finished....

a lot of digital "clean up" is possible to make the image more presentable.
Have a play: